A Mom and Daughter in Between Little Girl and Big Girl

There are many special moments in a child’s life that are so important to capture and savor. However, I find the most heartwarming moments are those times of transition. From newborn to baby, from baby to toddler, between toddler to grade schooler (either preschool or kindergarten), from little kid to big kid (between 5-8), the tween years before high school (12-14), the transition from kid to adult (anywhere from 16-22 for different phases of that big transition!). These are the moments where you can see both sides, the child you’ve known and the next phase that’s emerging. It’s the most bittersweet feeling of parenting because you’ve grown to love and appreciate a certain phase of development, and you never want it to end. Except, that of course you do. You want them to grow and thrive (I’m crying now!). Photography artwork is able to help you savor these moments forever.

My daughter is just a year older than this little girl, so I know well all of the variations of looks at this age, from goofy looks to full blown giggles to faces that look like a young woman about to emerge. We know in just a couple of years, the photography session will look quite different, much less bouncy and goofy, as the little girl grows up. It’s all so precious, and I’m truly honored to be the documentarian of these beautiful girls!